Year |
Overview |
2001 |
Apr. |
Established Digital Hearts Ltd. (currently DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd.) |
Began offering debugging services. |
2003 |
Oct. |
Became a public corporation. |
2007 |
Sept. |
Become first Japanese company to receive the Authorized Xbox 360 Test Program (AXTP) from Microsoft Corp. for
the Xbox 360®. |
Oct. |
Granted privacy mark certification. |
2008 |
Feb. |
Listed on the Mother's Market on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. |
Feb. |
Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. |
Jul. |
Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts Korea Co., Ltd., in Korea. |
Oct. |
Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts USA Inc., in the United States of America. |
Dec. |
Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts (Thailand) Co., Ltd., in Thailand. |
Mar. |
Established a subsidiary G & D Co., Ltd., in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo. |
May. |
Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts Visual Co., Ltd., in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo. |
Nov. |
Acquired all of the company shares for Aetas, Inc. and made it a subsidiary. |
2013 |
Oct. |
Established a pure holding company, Hearts United Group Co., Ltd., by means of a stock transfer and
transitioned to a pure holding company structure. |
Nov. |
Acquired the company shares for NetWork21 Co.,Ltd. and made it a subsidiary. |
2014 |
Apr. |
Acquired the company shares for Premium Agency Inc. and made it a subsidiary. |
2016 |
Jan. |
Premium Agency Inc., G&D Co., Ltd. and DIGITAL Hearts Visual Co., Ltd., have merged into a single company
and changed its company name to FLAME Hearts Co.,Ltd. |
Jul. |
Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., in China. |
2017 |
Jul. |
Relocated head office from Minato Ward to Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo. |
Oct. |
Conducted a merger of subsidiaries, DIGITAL Hearts Co., Ltd. and NetWork21 Co., Ltd. |
Closed the offices of DIGITAL Hearts Korea Co., Ltd. and DIGITAL Hearts (Thailand) Co., Ltd. |
2018 |
Jul. |
Changed company name from Hearts United Group co., Ltd. to DIGITAL HEARTS HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. |
2019 |
Jan. |
Acquired the company shares for Orgosoft Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary. |
Aug. |
Acquired the company shares for LOGIGEAR CORPORATION and made it a subsidiary.
Dec. |
DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary, established Digital Hearts Linguitronics Taiwan Co., Ltd.
in Taiwan with LINGUITRONICS Co., Ltd.
2021 |
Mar. |
Acquired the company shares for Metaps Entertainment Limited (currently DIGITAL HEARTS CROSS Marketing and
Solutions Limited) and the company and its seven group companies have become subsidiaries. |
LOGIGEAR CORPORATION, a consolidated subsidiary, acquired the company shares for MK Partners, Inc. and made it a subsidiary. |
LOGIGEAR VIETNAM CO., LTD., a consolidated subsidiary, established TPP SOFT, JSC in Vietnam with TP&P Technology Company, Ltd.
Jun. |
Acquired the company shares for identity Inc. and made it a subsidiary. |
Jul. |
DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary, certified as Global Partner in the Partner Program of the
International Software Testing Qualifications Board. |
2022 |
Jan. |
LOGIGEAR CORPORATION, a consolidated subsidiary, acquired of the company shares for DEVELOPING WORLD
SYSTEMS LIMITED and made it a subsidiary. |
Mar. |
Acquired the company shares for CEGB Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary. |
Apr. |
Implemented group reorganization, shifting to an organizational structure centered on AGEST, Inc. for Enterprise Business and DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd. for Entertainment Business. |
Transitioned from the First Section to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange due to a review of market classifications on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. |
Jun. |
Concluded a capital and business alliance with GameWith, Inc. |
Aug. |
AGEST, Inc., a consolidated subsidiary, succeeded Quality Assurance business from Sobal Corporation through an absorption-type company split. |
Nov. |
Changed company name of our consolidated subsidiary, Orgosoft Co., Ltd., to DIGITAL HEARTS Seoul Co., Ltd. for the purpose of unifying the group branding. |
2023 |
Apr. |
Acquired the company shares for GPC K.K and made it a subsidiary. |
May. |
Commencement of Preparations for the Share-Distribution-Type Spin-Off and Commencement of Preparations for Listing the Shares of AGEST, Inc., core subsidiary of the enterprise business. |
2024 |
Jan. |
Implemented group reorganization to make group companies operating enterprise businesses direct subsidiaries of AGEST, Inc. |
Dec. |
Transferred all of the shares of identity Inc., our consolidated subsidiary. |