Year Overview
2001 Apr. Established Digital Hearts Ltd. (currently DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd.)
Began offering debugging services.
2003 Oct. Became a public corporation.
2007 Sept. Become first Japanese company to receive the Authorized Xbox 360 Test Program (AXTP) from Microsoft Corp. for the Xbox 360®.
Oct. Granted privacy mark certification.
2008 Feb. Listed on the Mother's Market on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Feb. Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Jul. Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts Korea Co., Ltd., in Korea.
Oct. Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts USA Inc., in the United States of America.
Dec. Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts (Thailand) Co., Ltd., in Thailand.
Mar. Established a subsidiary G & D Co., Ltd., in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo.
May. Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts Visual Co., Ltd., in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo.
Nov. Acquired all of the company shares for Aetas, Inc. and made it a subsidiary.
2013 Oct. Established a pure holding company, Hearts United Group Co., Ltd., by means of a stock transfer and transitioned to a pure holding company structure.
Nov. Acquired the company shares for NetWork21 Co.,Ltd. and made it a subsidiary.
2014 Apr. Acquired the company shares for Premium Agency Inc. and made it a subsidiary.
2016 Jan. Premium Agency Inc., G&D Co., Ltd. and DIGITAL Hearts Visual Co., Ltd., have merged into a single company and changed its company name to FLAME Hearts Co.,Ltd.
Jul. Established a subsidiary DIGITAL Hearts (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., in China.
2017 Jul. Relocated head office from Minato Ward to Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo.
Oct. Conducted a merger of subsidiaries, DIGITAL Hearts Co., Ltd. and NetWork21 Co., Ltd.
Closed the offices of DIGITAL Hearts Korea Co., Ltd. and DIGITAL Hearts (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
2018 Jul. Changed company name from Hearts United Group co., Ltd. to DIGITAL HEARTS HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.
2019 Jan. Acquired the company shares for Orgosoft Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary.
Aug. Acquired the company shares for LOGIGEAR CORPORATION and made it a subsidiary.
Dec. DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary, established Digital Hearts Linguitronics Taiwan Co., Ltd. in Taiwan with LINGUITRONICS Co., Ltd.
2021 Mar. Acquired the company shares for Metaps Entertainment Limited (currently DIGITAL HEARTS CROSS Marketing and Solutions Limited) and the company and its seven group companies have become subsidiaries.
LOGIGEAR CORPORATION, a consolidated subsidiary, acquired the company shares for MK Partners, Inc. and made it a subsidiary.
LOGIGEAR VIETNAM CO., LTD., a consolidated subsidiary, established TPP SOFT, JSC in Vietnam with TP&P Technology Company, Ltd.
Jun. Acquired the company shares for identity Inc. and made it a subsidiary.
Jul. DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary, certified as Global Partner in the Partner Program of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board.
2022 Jan. LOGIGEAR CORPORATION, a consolidated subsidiary, acquired of the company shares for DEVELOPING WORLD SYSTEMS LIMITED and made it a subsidiary.
Mar. Acquired the company shares for CEGB Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary.
Apr. Implemented group reorganization, shifting to an organizational structure centered on AGEST, Inc. for Enterprise Business and DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd. for Entertainment Business.
Transitioned from the First Section to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange due to a review of market classifications on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Jun. Concluded a capital and business alliance with GameWith, Inc.
Aug. AGEST, Inc., a consolidated subsidiary, succeeded Quality Assurance business from Sobal Corporation through an absorption-type company split.
Nov. Changed company name of our consolidated subsidiary, Orgosoft Co., Ltd., to DIGITAL HEARTS Seoul Co., Ltd. for the purpose of unifying the group branding.
2023 Apr. Acquired the company shares for GPC K.K and made it a subsidiary.
May. Commencement of Preparations for the Share-Distribution-Type Spin-Off and Commencement of Preparations for Listing the Shares of AGEST, Inc., core subsidiary of the enterprise business.
2024 Jan. Implemented group reorganization to make group companies operating enterprise businesses direct subsidiaries of AGEST, Inc.
Dec. Transferred all of the shares of identity Inc., our consolidated subsidiary.